Third Stage of the Camino de Santiago along the Coast from La Guardia: Baiona-Vigo 25 km
Third Stage of the Camino de Santiago along the Coast from La Guardia: Baiona-Vigo 25 km
21 mayo, 2020
Playa de la Sirenita

Baiona to Vigo

We will do the next stage all along the coast, the path is easy and for my taste, much more beautiful. We will cross the Foz marshes and we will reach Ramallosa, where we can see the Roman bridge on our left.

Instead of going up to Priegue, we will continue to Playa América and Panxón, following the beaches, we will go through a fantastic walk through Playa América until the end of the Panjon pass, we must see the votive temple of the Sea, built on the remains of a Visigoth temple of the s. VII, we go down again to go to the right along the beach of La Madorra towards Patos to get to a Surf school, there we will follow a dirt road next to the beach until the end of a short path, we will have to go down the beach for a few 20 meters to reach the access to the Playa de Prado descent, where we will go up the slope to the National highway (PO325), continuing to the left towards Canido.

Before reaching a gas station, I would go down Rua Canabido to continue on Rua del Arquitecto Gomez Román to get to Rua de Canido, I suggest stopping to regain strength at the Cochón, El Puerto or Canto da Area restaurant, a tapas of octopus or some typical dish will recover the effort.

We are already entering the Vigo estuary, we will make the parallel path to the Bao, Sirenita, Samil and La Fuente beaches until we reach the Mar museum, there we will take another path to continue on the plain that will take us to Bouzas where the last section begins , Orillamar Avenue, we will see the most important shipyards in Galicia and one of the largest inshore ports in the world, the Berbés to reach Vigo.


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