Access for the disabled in the Cíes Islands
0 (0) Índice ocultar Wheelchair access Blind people Healthcare Public cleanings Wheelchair access There are many of you who ask us about accessibility for disabled people to the Islands that make up the Maritime-Terrestrial National Park of the Atlantic Islands of Galicia, knowing that you can access them with your wheelchair as long as you […]
18 diciembre, 2021
Accesos para minusválidos

Wheelchair access

There are many of you who ask us about accessibility for disabled people to the Islands that make up the Maritime-Terrestrial National Park of the Atlantic Islands of Galicia, knowing that you can access them with your wheelchair as long as you consult in advance with the shipping company you hire.

The reason is that the ramp at the landing is not easily accessible, moreover, if there is low tide, the help of several people is necessary to avoid problems, so it is advisable to prevent and warn in advance, and if possible, our advice is that the arrival to the islands coincides with high tide.

In the Islands information booth there will be, in high season, at least one wheelchair available and another for bathing. In order to have it, it is advisable to call the National Park in advance, the telephone number is 886 21 80 90, do it in the morning hours.

Accesos para minusválidos

Blind people

Blind people will be able to access with their guide dog, we also recommend asking for help to board and disembark.


Remember that none of the islands have permanent health personnel, there will be a daytime service on weekends in June and September, and during the months of July and August.

There will be several lifeguards and a doctor or ATS located in a booth at the beginning of Rodas beach from the landing dock, next to the information booth.

Public cleanings

Public toilets for the disabled are located on the path above the campsite.


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