Pirates in the Cies Islands: Francis Drake, finale
0 (0) Índice ocultar Francis Drake, the end of his adventures. Base in the port of Panama Defeats of Francis Drake in Panama Expulsion from the Caribbean Return of the English fleet and the death of Francis Drake Francis Drake, the end of his adventures. Base in the port of Panama Drake, transfixed by the […]
25 febrero, 2022
Sir Francis Drake

Francis Drake, the end of his adventures.

Base in the port of Panama

Drake, transfixed by the poor results he was obtaining, proposed to the then Queen Elizabeth, a bold operation against Spanish America, whose main objective was to establish a fixed English base in Panama, from there to put the Spanish domains in the Caribbean in check. .

He tried to capture a galleon in San Juan, Puerto Rico, but Spanish artillerymen from Castillo del Morro hit the bridge of his ship, killing two English officers outright, though Drake survived.

Shortly after, he attacked San Juan again, again being defeated by five Spanish frigates under the command of Don Pedro Téllez de Guzmán. ​

Defeats of Francis Drake in Panama

About 120 brave Spanish soldiers commanded by captains Enríquez and Agüero were enough to defeat, in Panama, the fleet commanded by Francis, who, at the age of 53, fell ill with dysentery.

On the 28th of that same month he died off the coast of Portobelo.

Expulsion from the Caribbean

The English fleet would again be defeated on the Isle of Pines by a Spanish fleet. sent to expel them from the Caribbean, the balance of the expedition; that in addition to the death of Drake it also cost the life of John Hawkins; It would be three ships captured by the Spanish, 17 ships sunk or abandoned, 2,500 dead and 500 prisoners.

Return of the English fleet and the death of Francis Drake

The news of his death reached Spain by means of a letter at the end of March from the Spanish general Bernardino Delgadillo de Avellaneda.

Later, on June 20 of the same year, Mr. Andrés Armenteros sent a letter to the Duke of Medina Sidonia informing him of the return of the English fleet to England, adding (erroneously or falsely) the news that Drake’s body was on one of these ships, put in a barrel.

And so far the story of Francis Drake and his adventures, I hope you liked it.

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