First Stage of the Camino de Santiago Portuguese along the Coast from the Guard: La Guardia-Oia (16 km)
We begin the first stage of the Camino de Santiago Portuguese along the Coast from La Guardia, specifically from the landing port of the pilgrims that come from Caminha, A Pasaxe (La Guardia).
23 octubre, 2019
Monte Santa Tecla

La Guardia until Oia

We begin the first stage of the Camino de Santiago Portuguese along the Coast from La Guardia to Oia, about 16 km of crossing.

We set off in A Pasaxe, on the banks of the Miño, also known as As Docas, constructions that made it easier for the ships of the time to load and unload merchandise and where pilgrims currently disembark on the Camino Portugues crossing the river through of the XACOBEO TRANSFER service.

The XACOBEO TRANSFER service is provided from the O Pasaxe pier to the Sporting Club Caminhense pier, a few meters from the current ferry pier in Caminha.

Currently the service is carried out with a small boat for a maximum of 7 seats. The service is provided every weekday if the weather conditions allow it.

Reservations are processed directly at This website has confirmed times for each day (there are times blocked by low tide). The price of the trip is €6 per person and €8 for those passengers with a bike. Only card payment is accepted on the boat.

These are the planned Spanish schedules, although there will be some cancellations coinciding with low tide (information available on the reservation website): [email protected]

Departures from A Guarda: starts at 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. (departures on the hour).
Departures from Caminha: start at 8:30 am to 7:30 pm (departures at 1:30 pm).
For incidents, resolve doubts or process groups of more than 7 people, you can contact [email protected]

A Pasaxe, on the banks of the Miño river, also known as As Docas, constructions that facilitated the loading and unloading of the merchandise of the time and where the pilgrims who are making the Portuguese Way crossing the river through the Ferry land from Caminha, Portugal.

A Pasaxe is located on the hillside of Monte Santa Tecla, where castros of the time are preserved, in addition to petroglyphs dating back 2,000 years prior to the occupation of the castro, in the 1st century BC. of C and 1 d. C. It was a true city of about 3,000 to 5,000 inhabitants where Mediterranean and Atlantic cultures converged.

If we get to climb the Mount we can enjoy fantastic views of the mouth of the Miño River, border with Portugal and the largest Galician river, the Rosal Valley, the Atlantic Ocean and the Islander of A Insua where the Franciscan monks lived.

We will enter La Guardia, known as the lobster capital, it is a fishing village where the Pilgrim will tour the historic center, being able to visit the Torre do Reló, Malteses street, the Plaza de Abastos and the chapel of Our Lady of the Guide, among others.

Leaving La Guardia behind, we will begin to walk along the coastal path through a practically flat terrain, we will find some cetareans along the way (places to keep the crustaceans alive like lobsters, crabs, etc.) and salt of the Roman era, leaving the Atlantic Ocean on our left until we reach Oia, where the Monastery of Santa María de Oia stands out, it has a strategic location, in fact, in the 17th century, its monks managed to defend themselves against an attack by the Turkish fleet.

The route has a distance of 16.5 km with 159.85 km missing to reach Santiago, the terrain is practically flat, easy level.

On the stage there are hostels and hotels, pharmacy, cashier, restaurants and shops.

Follow the Route in wikiloc by clicking HERE

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