Nearby hotels in Vigo to visit the Cies Islands
0 (0) If you are wondering which hotels you can sleep in during your visit to the Cíes Islands, know that there are no hotels on the islands, there is only one campsite. The closest hotels are in Vigo, we recommend the closest to the maritime station, near where you will have to take the […]
15 septiembre, 2022
Ciudad de Vigo Hotel

If you are wondering which hotels you can sleep in during your visit to the Cíes Islands, know that there are no hotels on the islands, there is only one campsite.

The closest hotels are in Vigo, we recommend the closest to the maritime station, near where you will have to take the boat to get to the Cíes Islands, they are the following, all very central.

Hotel Ciudad de Vigo

Hotel Ciudad de Vigo, four stars in the heart of the city of Vigo on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean. Its privileged location next to the promenade, the embarkation pier for the Cies Islands, the commercial and historical area of the city, make the Hotel Ciudad de Vigo the ideal place for your leisure or work stays.

Hotel Ciudad de Vigo

Reservation at the Hotel Ciudad de Vigo


Hotel Maroa

The four-star Hotel Maroa, located in the heart of Vigo; next to the Plaza de la Alameda and a five-minute walk from the Port of Vigo and the old part of the city, with restricted and semi-pedestrian traffic.

Hotel Maroa

Reservation in the Hotel Maroa


Hotel Compostela

The Hotel Compostela is located in the historic center of the city of Vigo, surrounded by green areas and opposite the Real Club Náutico marina.

Hotel Compostela

Reservation in the Hotel Compostela


Hotel Nagari

Inspiring, Avant-garde, Sophisticated. The Gran Hotel Nagari Boutique & Spa***** has been designed combining style and comfort, with all the services of a 5-star hotel opened in 2010.

Hotel Nagari

Reservation in the Hotel Nagari


Hotel Bahía de Vigo

The Sercotel Bahía de Vigo Hotel is an imposing hotel located in a privileged area (between Casco Vello and the pier from where the boats set sail for the Cíes Islands).

Hotel Ciudad de Vigo

Reservation at the Hotel Ciudad de Vigo


All these hotels that we suggest are within a radius of approximately 300 meters from the Maritime Station of departure to the Cíes Islands and also, in the heart of the city, even with several public car parks very close.

Remember, the islands are everyone’s heritage, let’s take care of them.

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