The Cies Island. Natural heritage of Humanity
0 (0) Índice ocultar Atlantic Islands of Galicia National Park Meaning of the title Video of the Cíes Islands By ferry to the Cíes, Ons or San Simón Islands Atlantic Islands of Galicia National Park The first steps have been taken to classify the maritime-terrestrial National Park of the Atlantic Islands of Galicia (Cíes Islands, […]
30 marzo, 2022
The Cies Islands

Atlantic Islands of Galicia National Park

The first steps have been taken to classify the maritime-terrestrial National Park of the Atlantic Islands of Galicia (Cíes Islands, Ons Island, Sálvora Island and Cortegada Island) as a World Heritage Site. Board the ferry to Cíes Islands or one of the others, and discover the reasons for yourself.

Meaning of the title

The title of World Heritage Site is granted by UNESCO to specific sites that have been proposed and confirmed on the list, such as forests, mountains, lakes, caves, cities, buildings or architectural complexes, even cultural routes. This is administered by the World Heritage Committee.

The objective is to preserve, publicize and catalog those sites of notable cultural or natural importance to ensure their common heritage of humanity. If they meet certain conditions, they will receive funds for their conservation.

It is a slow process, and can take between 5 and 8 years. Currently, the Teide National Park, the Garajonay National Park or the Doñana National Park hold this title, but no Galician natural asset has it. Therefore, if achieved, the Atlantic Islands National Park would be the first in this beautiful autonomous community.

Every natural asset that is presented must comply with at least one of the ten points stipulated by the committee, and the National Park of the Atlantic Islands of Galicia meets no less than four!

Video of the Cíes Islands

This video is the spot used for the candidacy and was made by Arraianos Producions. It shows how from child to adult, you can enjoy paradise in its most natural and preserved state. What do you think of the idea? We love!

By ferry to the Cíes, Ons or San Simón Islands

In the summer, tourism in Galicia, as normal, increases. The Park Islands can only be visited at certain times of the year, and this is one of them. Take a look at the schedules and remember that it is recommended to buy them in advance, since demand is high, especially the first and last hour of the day.

The Cíes Islands boat, for example, leaves from the port of Vigo every day during the visiting season, and from Cangas, Baiona and Portonovo depending on the season. Are you embarking on the adventure?


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2 Comentarios

  1. Javier Púa

    Buenos días
    Se puede visitar con perro?

    • Las Islas Cíes

      Hola Javier,

      Lo siento, está prohibido la entrada de animales domésticos, salvo que sea un perro lazarillo.

      Un saludo


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