Traveling to the Cíes Islands in winter is now possible
0 (0) Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it is now possible to go on an excursion to the Cíes Islands this winter. At last we will be able to enjoy a getaway to the Cíes Islands in low season, as of September 16 there will be a capacity of 450 people a day and it will […]
12 octubre, 2021

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it is now possible to go on an excursion to the Cíes Islands this winter.

At last we will be able to enjoy a getaway to the Cíes Islands in low season, as of September 16 there will be a capacity of 450 people a day and it will be the shipping companies, in this case, the Mar de Ons shipping company, which will process the authorization without passing by the reservation center of the Xunta de Galicia, the ideal would have been for the Xunta to be responsible for the authorization, as happens in the months of July and August, especially, thinking about seasonally adjusting tourism, but unfortunately, they have not given step still.

The reasons why they do not want to continue being the ones regulating the authorizations are unknown.

Departures in October and November 2021

The Mar de Ons shipping company will make departures from the ports of Vigo and Cangas every Saturday and Sunday in October and November.

Departures in December and January 2021

From the ports of Vigo and Cangas there will be daily departures from Saturday 04 to Sunday 12 December and from Saturday 18 December daily until Sunday 09 January.

NOTE: There will be no departures on December 25 and January 1 and 6.

The departures on December 24 and 31 and January 5 will be in the morning.

Sea of ​​Ons

Are we going on an excursion to Cíes this winter? It is already possible, ladies and gentlemen embark, the ship is about to set sail.


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❤ Take a souvenir from the Cies Islands:

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