Official opening Atlantic Islands National Park 2020
Official opening of the new 2020 season. Plan your trip and buy your tickets to the Cíes, Ons, Sálvora and Cortegada Islands. The islands belong to everyone, let's take care of them !!.
9 junio, 2020
Las islas Cies, alto del Príncipe

Official opening Atlantic Islands National Park 2020

Hello everyone, good news !!.

It is official, from Monday June 15 you can already plan your trip to any of the islands of the Illas Atlánticas National Park, choose from any of the islands that make up the National Park, Cíes , Ons, Sálvora and Cortegada.

This week the shipping times will be finalized and the Xunta’s page will be activated to request authorization, which, as you know, is mandatory. Important, you have two hours between requesting authorization and purchasing your ticket.

There will be a protocol of protection measures that the Xunta will publish shortly. The restaurants and the camping will also be open.

You can now download the CÍES ISLANDS APP on your ANDROID and IOS platform.

The islands belong to everyone, let’s take care of them !!

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