What to do in Vigo at Christmas besides seeing the lights
0 (0) You are going to come to Vigo this Christmas and you don’t know what to do, then we recommend the following plans: Índice ocultar See the Christmas lights Shopping on Calle del Principe Walk through the Alameda Nautico area Rosalía de Castro Street Puerta del Sol Torreiro of parties in Coia area tourist […]
14 febrero, 2022

You are going to come to Vigo this Christmas and you don’t know what to do, then we recommend the following plans:

See the Christmas lights

If you are wondering what time the mayor of Vigo, Abel Caballero, will turn on the lights, know that he will press the power button on Saturday, November 20 at 8:30 p.m.


Shopping on Calle del Principe

If you want to go shopping, Calle del Principe is a must, in this pedestrian street most of the commercial establishments are concentrated.

Walk through the Alameda

Also known for the Plaza de Compostela, the «Cíes Market» Christmas market will be set up, in addition to the famous giant Ferris wheel. In the area there will also be an artificial snow slide to be able to jump on sledges.

Nautico area

Right in front of the Real Club Náutico de Vigo, a skating rink of considerable dimensions will be installed, we are talking about 800 square meters.

Rosalía de Castro Street

A very central street where we can enjoy many restaurants and various attractions, such as the virtual simulator with Christmas animations, a classic sleigh train on rails and a free fall attraction.

Puerta del Sol

In the central square will be located the classic Venetian carousel, in addition, very close we can take a walk through the old town, the Plaza de la Constitución, the area of la Piedra, the stret of Las Oysters, the co-cathedral of the Collegiate and of course, that you know that you are in one of the best gastronomic areasof the city, it is also a good place to have some tapas.


Torreiro of parties in Coia area

On Avenida de Castelao, the traditional Christmas circusopens with capacity for more than 700 people, a dinosaur exhibition and a park with more than 12 inflatables.

tourist trains

One more year the tourist train inVigo could not be missing, there will be two routes through the city center.

Must visit the Cíes Islands

What better time to visit the Cíes Islands, take advantage of the occasion and buy your ticket, take the opportunity to take a walk through the Best Beach in the World.

Departures in November 2021

Naviera Mar de Ons will make departures from the port of Vigo and Cangasevery Saturday and Sunday in November.

Departures in December and January

From the port of Vigoand Cangasthere will be daily departures from Saturday December 4th to Sunday December 12thand daily from Saturday December 18th until Sunday January 9th.

You know, come warm and enjoy this Christmasto the fullest.


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