Fifth stage of the Portuguese Way along the Coast from La Guardia: Variante del Padre Sarmiento, Pontevedra – Armenteira 21 km
The stage of the Spiritual Variation of Father Sarmiento begins, one of the most beautiful I have traveled, total, about 21 km.
7 julio, 2020

The Spiritual Variation of Father Sarmiento

This stage, in my opinion, is one of the most beautiful, the Spiritual Variation of Father Sarmiento from Pontevedra to the Monastery of Armenteira.

If you listened to me, you will have taken a bus from Marín to rest in Pontevedra, if you arrived in the early afternoon I would visit the Basilica of Santa María la Mayor and the chapel of the pilgrim virgin and of course, the Ravachol parrot, in the square Pilgrim, it is worth it.

In the morning, it is time to start the Spiritual Variation of Padre Sarmiento, we will cross the Burgo bridge following Calle de La Santiña, after 2 km we will find a detour to the left, the Spiritual Variant begins, we will go along rural roads with little traffic to reach the Monastery of San Juan de Poio, well of general interest since 1971.

We will follow the Camino towards Combarro, a coastal town full of granaries, with narrow and winding streets, wonderful. Then the climb to Armenteira, about 430 meters above sea level, stretches of road and dirt tracks, finally arrives at the Monastery of Armenteira, a very quiet rural enclave in the mountains where we can spend the night and rest after having traveled about 21 km.

Follow the Route:

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