Last stage of the Portuguese Way along the Coast from La Guardia: Vilanova de Arousa – Santiago 24 km
We will travel the only maritime-fluvial Way of the Cross in the world in which we will discover 17 centenary cruises that identify this Camino de Santiago as the Origin of all Roads.
17 agosto, 2020
Vía Crucis

The River Route

I have to indicate that this «River Route» does not count as the Camino de Santiago, but with the kilometers we carry in our backpack, we will not mind enjoying this wonderful route and thus avoid a 28 km walk to Pontecesures.

We will make the journey in a private boat, at a cost of approximately 19 euros the journey of 1 hour and 15 minutes where they will explain the operation of the rafts and the details to take into account of the crossing, its Via Crucis, the Cortegada Island, the famous Carril clams, for example.

We will cross the Ría de Arousa and ascend the Ulla river, recalling the journey that Teodoro and Atanasio made from Palestine in AD 44 with the remains of Santiago Apóstol.

Pontecesures until Santiago

We will arrive in Pontecesures to continue the Portuguese Way to Santiago, about 24 km of travel to finish our Way and get the Compostela, remember that now you have to get a ticket before 14:00 P.M. to have the Credential stamped.

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