Products from the Cíes Islands Store ❤️
0 (0) You still don’t know the store where you can buy merchandise from the Cíes Islands, what are you waiting for? Índice ocultar Cíes Islands Store ❤️ 100% cotton beach bags EU❤️CIES Refrigerators with isothermal interior EU❤️CIES Pareo towel EU❤️CIES Drawstring backpack EU❤️CIES Liquid container EU❤️CIES EU❤️CIES Mug Cíes Islands Store ❤️ All products […]
1 mayo, 2022
Productos Tienda Las Islas Cies

You still don’t know the store where you can buy merchandise from the Cíes Islands, what are you waiting for?

Cíes Islands Store ❤️

All products are part of the «Eu ❤️Cíes» Summer Collection.


We summarize the best-selling products.

100% cotton beach bags EU❤️CIES


Perfect to take to the beach, you’ll see how everyone wants one just like it.

With zipper and interior pocket.

65 cm cotton fabric handles.

Size: 480*400*150mm and inner pocket measurement of 180*140m

Bolsa de Playa EU❤️CIES

Bolsa de Playa EU❤️CIES

Refrigerators with isothermal interior EU❤️CIES


To always bring your drinks very fresh.

With two independent compartments with zipper closure.

With front pocket with velcro closure and elastic mesh pocket on the side.

Measurements: 26*27*17.5cm

Nevera EU❤️CIES

Nevera EU❤️CIES

Pareo towel EU❤️CIES


Show off your figure by showing off this spectacular sarong with Eu ❤️Cíes embroidery.

Without terry, fouta type made of 80% cotton 20% polyester.

Available in blue and also red, choose the one you like the most.

Measurements 90 x 180 cm + fringes

Pareo Toalla EU❤️CIES

Pareo Toalla EU❤️CIES

Drawstring backpack EU❤️CIES


Ideal for carrying your Eu ❤️Cíes towel sarong and your spare swimsuit.

Available in red.

100% recycled cotton 120 g/m2.

Measurements 38 x 42

Mochila con cordones EU❤️CIES

Mochila con cordones EU❤️CIES

Liquid container EU❤️CIES


You can take your favorite drink safely with you during your visit.

400 ml with safety cap and metal transport carabiner.

Bidón EU❤️CIES

Bidón EU❤️CIES


To feel proud of our Cíes islands.

350 ml capacity.

Measurements: O 8.2 * 9.6 cm.




The range of products is designed especially for the profile of our followers, today there are more than 25 thousand people who follow us on social media, Instagram, and soon, we will exceed, no more and no less, the figure of 3 million visits to the website, which is said to be soon.

Little by little we will incorporate other products, always thinking about the summer season, as it could not be otherwise.

I take this opportunity to thank you for always being there, you are very great, thank you very much for your support.

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6 Comentarios

  1. Isabel

    Yo tengo la bolsa que me la regalaron. Voy con ella por Madrid mostrando mi orgullo de ser gallega!

    • Las Islas Cíes

      Muchas gracias Isabel, di que sí !!

    • Las Islas Cíes

      Muchas gracias Isabel

    • Las Islas Cíes

      Muchas gracias Isabel!!

  2. roberto

    Que maravilla¡¡ lo quiero todo.. Por ahora tengo mochila y taza… poco a poco la colección entera..

    • Las Islas Cíes

      Muchas gracias Roberto, nos alegra que te gusten tanto nuestros productos!!


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