What to do in the Cies Islands❤️
0 (0) Índice ocultar The exit to Cíes. How much does it cost to go to the Cíes Islands? Precautions: What to bring to the Cíes Islands? Cíes Lighthouse Route Alto del Príncipe route Bathing at Areíña Beach Lunch at the Rodas Restaurant One day in the Cies Islands We have decided to spend the […]
16 agosto, 2021
Trip to Cíes August 2021

One day in the Cies Islands

We have decided to spend the day in the Cíes Islands, the seats fly, so without further delay, we have requested authorization and bought the ticket two weeks in advance, in mid-July specifically to travel on August 2, 2021. Yes You also want to know what to do in the Cíes Islands in one day, we will tell you about our experience.

The exit to Cíes.

We leave from the port of Vigo, in front of the Hotel Bahía, on the boat at 9:40, but not without first picking up our tickets at the box office of the shipping company with which we have booked the ticket, Rías Baixas Cruises.

Rías Baixas Cruises [/ button]

How much does it cost to go to the Cíes Islands?

The adult ticket costs € 20 and the child ticket, from 3 to 12 years old, costs € 10, children under 3 years old travel free, remember that it is not necessary to enter the ID when requesting authorization for children who do not exceed the 14 years.

We go 30 minutes in advance, so, once we leave, we calmly go to the departure dock to catch the boat.

Precautions: What to bring to the Cíes Islands?

As we are cautious, we have had a good breakfast before departure, also important to avoid dizziness. In addition, we carry a backpack with:

a sarong.
an extra t-shirt.
the jerry can for the drink.
creampie with protection.
a cap.
a sweatshirt.
shoes to walk
shorts if you are going to go on routes as is our case.

We did not bring any food as I have booked at the Rodas restaurant to eat. The fact of wearing a sweatshirt is that first thing in the morning, on the voyage, it is cool if you travel on top of the boat, and more so, with the sea breeze.

You can buy these items in the Rodas Restaurant store and through the Online Store [/ button]

Cíes Lighthouse Route

We set sail at 9:43, arriving at 10:23, the sea is calm so the journey has been very calm, we have sailed at 13 knots, the equivalent of about 24 km per hour. On the trip we have seen a group of dolphins, very common in the estuary, they usually follow the sardine banks to have a good binge.

40 minutes later, we disembark at the Rodas dock, eager to do one of the routes of the Cíes Islands, in this case, the Faro, 3.64 km with a drop of about 175 meters.

We start the walk at 10:32, we will pass by the information office, the Lago de los Nenos, the campsite until we reach the Playa de Nuestra Señora, at this point we can follow two paths: direction to Pedra da Campá or direction to Faro da Porta and then climb the Camiño de Carrazido. We recommend this last option because it is more direct.

After a good climb, we reached the Cíes Lighthouse at 11:24, it took us 52 minutes. We enjoy the wonderful views and take the opportunity to record a little video and take some photos before starting our second route.

Alto del Príncipe route

We start the descent at 11:34, we will do it by the usual way, we make a brief stop at Pedra da Campá and another at the Serafin restaurant to hydrate ourselves before facing the other half of the way to Alto del Príncipe, we will cross again the campsite and the breakwater that connects the island of Faro with the Island of Monteagudo, also passing through the Playa de Figueiras or de los Alemanes until reaching Alto del Príncipe.

We arrived at 1:00 p.m. after having traveled 5 kilometers from the Lighthouse, 1 hour and a half later. The views are impressive, it is worth a break and take a photo in the Queen’s Chair, we are already thinking of taking a good bath before lunch.

Bathing at Areíña Beach

We leave Alto del Príncipe at 1:15 p.m., the descent to the Rodas Restaurant does not take us more than 21 minutes since it is only 1.74 km of descent.

We are already a little tired and a little hungry, it is 1:36 pm, so we decided to go for a swim at Areíña beach. We heard from a guide that the water in Cíes today is around 16ºC, I didn’t really think about it, I took a run and straight into the water, I stayed cool, I assure you, but the feeling, after the walk, was very gratifying.

Lunch at the Rodas Restaurant

It is our favorite restaurant in Cíes, we have reserved in advance at the top, so we can enjoy the wonderful views of Cíes and especially of Rodas Beach, considered by the British newspaper «The Guardian» in 2014, as the Best Beach in the World.

As always, you have to be very attentive to the stalking of seagulls, if you get lost, they bring you food.

Our menu for 3 people: octopus a feira, some crabs, barnacles and grilled sea bream. As a drink, a good ribeiro, finishing off with an excellent nipple cheese with quince. an experience that we will remember for a lifetime.

I would like to thank my companions, Juan and Paz, the Rodas Restaurant team: Berti, Alberto, Jenny, Paula, Elena and Vaquero, César from the Serafín Restaurant and of course, Manolo, Nuria and the rest of the crew and box office staff of the best shipping company that travels to the Cíes Islands, Cruceros Rías Baixas.

Thank you very much for following our blog.


➡ Visit our website: https://lasislascies.com

➡ Ask for your authorization and buy your ticket at: https://lasislascies.com/autorizacion-compra-billetes-para-viajar-a-las-islas-cies-y-ons-web-app/

❤ Take a souvenir from the Cies Islands: https://tienda.lasislascies.com

We hope to have resolved your doubts, thank you for following us.


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