0 (0) How much does it cost to travel to the Cíes Islands? From July 1 to August 31 Adults: € 20 / Children (3-12 years): € 10 / Children (0 – 2 years): Free From September 1 to 15 Adults: € 18 / Children (3-12 years): € 6 / Children (0 – 2 years): […]
16 agosto, 2021

How much does it cost to travel to the Cíes Islands?
From July 1 to August 31

Adults: € 20 / Children (3-12 years): € 10 / Children (0 – 2 years): Free

From September 1 to 15

Adults: € 18 / Children (3-12 years): € 6 / Children (0 – 2 years): Free

How many shipping companies travel to the Cíes Islands?

There are three shipping companies: Cruceros Rías Baixas, Mar de Ons and Naviera Nabia.

What departure times do shipping companies have?

Each one has its respective departure and return times.

Rías Baixas Cruises for example has the following:

Departures from the port of Vigo at 9:40 a.m. / 11:30 a.m. / 5:45 p.m.

Return from Cíes to the port of Vigo at 10:30 / 12:30 / 18:40 / 20:15

From which ports can I get to the Cíes Islands?

There are departures from the port of Bayona, Vigo, Cangas and Bueu.

Where can I request the Authorization and buy the tickets?

From our website: Authorization and Tickets [/ button]

Children must cover the DNI box when requesting authorization?

No, it is not necessary to cover the DNI box when requesting authorization and buying the ticket if you do not have it yet, you must continue with the procedure by leaving this box blank.

Once I have the authorization and the reservation, where should I pick up the ticket?

The authorization with the generated QR code will reach us by mail, the Xunta staff will ask us before traveling, the reservation of the ticket, which also arrived by mail, we must go to the ticket office of the contracted shipping company at least 30 minutes before the departure time so that they give us the physical ticket and thus be able to deliver to the sailors before accessing the ship.

How long does the boat take to get to the Islands?

From the port of Vigo, Cangas and Baiona it takes approximately 40 minutes.

The weather in the Cíes Islands.

From our website you can see the weather forecast for the Cíes Islands.

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➡ Visit our website:

➡ Ask for your authorization and buy your ticket at: https: // …

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