Sixth stage of the Portuguese Way along the Coast from La Guardia: Armenteira to Vilanova de Arousa 23 km
We will visit "The Stone and Water Route" that runs through a natural area of great beauty, between the districts of Ribadumia and Meis, in the Salnés region. We will walk under the shade of the trees we will find old water mills that rest on the banks of the Armenteira river.
21 julio, 2020
Ruta del agua

For me, it is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful stages, practically downhill and flat, it has no difficulty.

The Stone and Water Route

We will visit «The Stone and Water Route» that runs through a natural area of great beauty, between the towns of #Ribadumia and #Meis, in the Salnés region. We will walk under the shade of the trees we will find old water mills that rest on the banks of the Armenteira river.

Once we reach the flat part, after crossing the road, resting at the Bar O Chiringo de Concha, it is worth it. After the stop, we will visit the «Viño Rías Baixas Route«, orchards and vineyards that indicate that we are approaching the Arousa estuary, after having traveled about 24 km we reached the beaches and #Vilanova de Arousa.

Follow the Route:

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